“VitalZyme keeps us awake and fresh throughout our pageant week. It is a nutrient packed and refreshing enzyme drink with a 100% natural blend of 126 fruits and plants. Love the packaging. Plus point: They're available in sachets! It is so easy to consume 1 or 2 sachets per day to keep you freshened up all day.”

Francisca Luhong James, Winner of Miss Universe Malaysia 2020

“VitalZyme keeps us awake and fresh throughout our pageant week. It is a nutrient packed and refreshing enzyme drink with a 100% natural blend of 126 fruits and plants. Love the packaging. Plus point: They’re available in sachets! It is so easy to consume 1 or 2 sachets per day to keep you freshened up all day.”
“Been taking these little babies first thing in the morning as my routine now. These little green power are enzyme drinks that helps take care of my gut health and promotes healthy complexion so that I’m well and ready when it’s pageant week! I consume them once a day before breakfast and recommend you guys to try it!”

Charissa Chong, 1st Runner Up of Miss Universe Malaysia 2020

“Been taking these little babies first thing in the morning as my routine now. These little green power are enzyme drinks that helps take care of my gut health and promotes healthy complexion so that I’m well and ready when it’s pageant week! I consume them once a day before breakfast and recommend you guys to try it!”
“We have been staying in the boot camp for days. Stress or the lack of sleep could easily cause bloated stomach and constipation. But now I don’t have to worry about it anymore. Because I have Bioxil Innertreats to solve all the problems!”

Serene Chai, Actress/Model & 2nd Runner Up of Miss Universe Malaysia 2020

“We have been staying in the boot camp for days. Stress or the lack of sleep could easily cause bloated stomach and constipation. But now I don’t have to worry about it anymore. Because I have Bioxil Innertreats to solve all the problems!”
“Loving this enzyme drink with a 100% natural blend of 126 fruits and plants! Thank you Bioxil Innertreats for these amazing sachets that keep me energized the entire day during our gala night rehearsals.”

Neha Verma, 3rd Runner Up of Miss Universe Malaysia 2020

“Loving this enzyme drink with a 100% natural blend of 126 fruits and plants! Thank you Bioxil Innertreats for these amazing sachets that keep me energized the entire day during our gala night rehearsals.”
“I have been taking VitalZyme Daily Enzyme Drink for about 4 days now, every morning before breakfast. I love it. It tastes a little sour with a tinge of sweetness to it. In these 4 days, I have experienced a good amount of toilet breaks (which means it is cleansing - also you need to drink a lot of water throughout the day to help with the cleansing). My skin looks slightly brighter too. I can’t wait to see the results in a long term.”

Pritha Manivannan, TV Host, Actress & Miss Universe Malaysia 2020 Finalist

“I have been taking VitalZyme Daily Enzyme Drink for about 4 days now, every morning before breakfast. I love it. It tastes a little sour with a tinge of sweetness to it. In these 4 days, I have experienced a good amount of toilet breaks (which means it is cleansing – also you need to drink a lot of water throughout the day to help with the cleansing). My skin looks slightly brighter too. I can’t wait to see the results in a long term.”
“As a flight attendant, getting a consistent healthy intake can be challenging. Eating the right foods at the right time will not always work on us. So I ended up getting sick quite often and struggle with my complexion. Starting my journey with VitalZyme Daily Enzyme Drink, it improves overall wellness and complexion, detox, increase metabolism and give energy. There are 120 good ingredients in a small 30ml travel-friendly bottles that can fit in my bag anywhere I go. I can't wait to have it in my routine and see the changes!”

Meme Yaw, Cabin Crew & Miss Universe Malaysia 2020 Finalist

“As a flight attendant, getting a consistent healthy intake can be challenging. Eating the right foods at the right time will not always work on us. So I ended up getting sick quite often and struggle with my complexion. Starting my journey with VitalZyme Daily Enzyme Drink, it improves overall wellness and complexion, detox, increase metabolism and give energy. There are 120 good ingredients in a small 30ml travel-friendly bottles that can fit in my bag anywhere I go. I can’t wait to have it in my routine and see the changes!”
“I feel so much more energised after taking this daily.”

Er Junn, Marketing Executive & Miss Universe Malaysia 2020 Finalist

“I feel so much more energised after taking this daily.”
“A sip of this and my whole body feels like it’s on Cloud 9. Not only does it taste heavenly but it’s also so super healthy!!”

Louisa Ananthan, Miss Body Beautiful & Miss Universe Malaysia 2020 Finalist

“A sip of this and my whole body feels like it’s on Cloud 9. Not only does it taste heavenly but it’s also so super healthy!!”
“Sometimes when you work as a food review host, it is difficult not to try every single dish. Therefore, I always have my enzyme drink from Bioxil Innertreats. I'll consume it on an empty stomach before a meal. It really improves my indigestion problems

Adelina Lim, Radio Announcer & Miss Universe Malaysia 2020 Finalist

“Sometimes when you work as a food review host, it is difficult not to try every single dish. Therefore, I always have my enzyme drink from Bioxil Innertreats. I’ll consume it on an empty stomach before a meal. It really improves my indigestion problems & gave me enough enzyme to boost up.”
“I will normally feel bloated and uncomfortable due to eating different type of food in one setting. However, I have discovered that VitalZyme helps in reducing bloating. A must have!”

Rindsay Laige, Law Student & Miss Universe Malaysia 2020 Finalist

“I will normally feel bloated and uncomfortable due to eating different type of food in one setting. However, I have discovered that VitalZyme helps in reducing bloating. A must have!”
“For the past 5 days, I've been keeping up with drinking this VitalZyme Daily Enzyme Drink every morning. So in my opinion, I personally love the neat taste of it although there's actually the option to dilute it with water, but my taste buds are just extreme and adventurous like myself. Also I have realized slight changes in my overall health and skin my skin is getting better. Earlier, I seemed to be pale like a zombie which I think my classmates would know that very well. But now, I've learnt the importance of taking care of my body internally in order to bring out the glow and shine the best version of myself.”

Haylynn Tan, Occupational Therapy Student & Miss Universe Malaysia 2020 Finalist

“For the past 5 days, I’ve been keeping up with drinking this VitalZyme Daily Enzyme Drink every morning. So in my opinion, I personally love the neat taste of it although there’s actually the option to dilute it with water, but my taste buds are just extreme and adventurous like myself. Also I have realized slight changes in my overall health and skin my skin is getting better. Earlier, I seemed to be pale like a zombie which I think my classmates would know that very well. But now, I’ve learnt the importance of taking care of my body internally in order to bring out the glow and shine the best version of myself.”
“I started to drink this after my boot camp week. It really helped me to look and feel my glowing best every single day!”

Quinn Fung, Music Teacher & Miss Universe Malaysia 2020 Finalist

“I started to drink this after my boot camp week. It really helped me to look and feel my glowing best every single day!”
“Vitalzyme from Bioxil Innertreats tastes so natural just like the actual fruit juice. I've been drinking it in the morning right before breakfast and just realized that taking care of our body inside and out is so easy with this tasty shot of enzymes. It reduces my fatigue and provides me more energy to start my day.”

Chua Xing Er, Law Graduate & Miss Universe Malaysia 2020 Finalist

“Vitalzyme from Bioxil Innertreats tastes so natural just like the actual fruit juice. I’ve been drinking it in the morning right before breakfast and just realized that taking care of our body inside and out is so easy with this tasty shot of enzymes. It reduces my fatigue and provides me more energy to start my day.”
“After taking VitalZyme, I feel less bloated and definitely feel more comfortable. To my pleasant surprise, I feel more energetic too! The best part is, I love the taste. It’s sour and sweet. Because of its overall goodness, I will definitely recommend this to all my customers.”

Syarifah Anom, Salon Owner of Lilas Pure Beauty & Serenity

“After taking VitalZyme, I feel less bloated and definitely feel more comfortable. To my pleasant surprise, I feel more energetic too! The best part is, I love the taste. It’s sour and sweet. Because of its overall goodness, I will definitely recommend this to all my customers.”
“I decided to take VitalZyme because I had digestion and constipation problems. After taking VitalZyme for 2-3 weeks, I feel that my digestion has improved. My skin texture has also improved. My friends tell me that my skin is glowing!”

Jovest, Professional Skin Therapist

“I decided to take VitalZyme because I had digestion and constipation problems. After taking VitalZyme for 2-3 weeks, I feel that my digestion has improved. My skin texture has also improved. My friends tell me that my skin is glowing!”
“I’m working in the beauty industry and meeting customers every day. So it’s very important to take care of my skin and body health. I’m impressed that VitalZyme consists of 120 fruits and vegetables. After consuming VitalZyme, I feel more energetic and my skin is getting smoother. It helps with my body detox program too.”

Eugenia Chaw, Salon Owner of Absolute Beauty & Wellness Spa

“I’m working in the beauty industry and meeting customers every day. So it’s very important to take care of my skin and body health. I’m impressed that VitalZyme consists of 120 fruits and vegetables. After consuming VitalZyme, I feel more energetic and my skin is getting smoother. It helps with my body detox program too.”
“I love the taste and I drink it for overall health and wellness. I only tried it for 7 days and had amazing results! I sleep well, I can go to the toilet easily and my skin tone is firm. Most importantly, it also has improved my appetite. It enhanced my health.”

Diana Tang , VitalZyme Customer

“I love the taste and I drink it for overall health and wellness. I only tried it for 7 days and had amazing results! I sleep well, I can go to the toilet easily and my skin tone is firm. Most importantly, it also has improved my appetite. It enhanced my health.”
“A healthy body is needed for a busy lifestyle. My skin therapist recommended VitalZyme to me. After 1 week, I felt much more energetic. I used to nod off while driving, but after drinking VitalZyme I do not have this problem anymore.”

Christie Soh , VitalZyme Customer

“A healthy body is needed for a busy lifestyle. My skin therapist recommended VitalZyme to me. After 1 week, I felt much more energetic. I used to nod off while driving, but after drinking VitalZyme I do not have this problem anymore.”
“I’m a 21 year-old mother with long working hours, I don’t drink enough water and this leads to constipation. My friend recommended VitalZyme to me to help with my constipation issue. I decided to try it and it really gave good results. I found less problems with my constipation after drinking VitalZyme.”

Debbie Lee, Professional Skin Therapist

“I’m a 21 year-old mother with long working hours, I don’t drink enough water and this leads to constipation. My friend recommended VitalZyme to me to help with my constipation issue. I decided to try it and it really gave good results. I found less problems with my constipation after drinking VitalZyme.”